GO GREEN WITH THEBrand New Wind Generator Turbine System For Vessels and Sailboats This wind turbine is made with the latest manufacturing techniques and modern design methods
to reduce costs and have a superiorly engineered product. This a great green product at a cost-effective price. This wind turbine was designed for one purpose--to produce power, not hype. ORDER ONLINE NOW
OR CALL 1-866-606-3991
- Corrosion protection, Mounting Frame and Tail are 100% stainless steel construction.
- 100% stainless steel construction, including mounting frame, tail, and fasteners
- Set of 5 HyperSpin 28 inch aluminum wind turbine blades providing a 60 inch rotor!
- Oversized self-lubricating yaw bushing for effortless tracking in the wind!
- Completely sealed aluminum housing with 100% stainless steel fasteners.
- 100% complete wind turbine kit! Mounts directly to 1.5 inch schedule 40 or schedule 80 pipe!
- Compare it to the Air-X from Southwest Wind Power
Specifications: - Rotor Diameter: 60 inches (152 cm)
- Net Weight: 27 lbs (12.3 kg)
- Survival Wind Speed: 105 mph (47 m/s or 169 kph)
- Initial Power Generator Wind Speed: 7-8 mph (3.1 m/s)
- Rated Power: 300 Watts at 28 mph wind speed
- Battery Bank Specifications: Suitable for 12 and 24 volt battery banks
- Recommended Fuse: 30 amp 12 volt
- Recommended Fuse: 20 amp 24 volt
OR CALL 1-866-606-3991